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My Wife Is The Reason Why I’m Cheating In This Marriage



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I am a man in my late thirties. I am married, and I have two children. My first child is seventeen, I had him before I met my wife. So he is currently living with his mother, who is my ex-girlfriend. My second child is five, my wife and I had him seven years after we got married.

Before we got married, my wife and I dated for three years. During that period she never did my laundry. I am the one who would wash my clothes and wash hers too. Sometimes her dirty clothes would be lying in my room for weeks, and she would see them and not touch them. Then I’d get uncomfortable, and wash them and send them to her.


When I tried to talk to her about it she told me, “My parents always had someone who came to do our laundry when I was growing up. Because of that, I don’t like washing clothes.” After her explanation, I tried to understand her. I told myself, “Maybe when we get married she would change.” But I should have known that wouldn’t happen, considering the fact that she never even washed one of my boxer shorts the entire three years we dated.

And now that we’ve been married for twelve years, I can count the number of times she did laundry at home. I was the one who was always doing it because I couldn’t stand to see dirty laundry piled in a heap. We were constantly having problems because..CONTINUE.READING.STORY.HERE…>>>>>

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