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How Can I Forgive A Woman Who Gave Herself To Another Man For Money?



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One of the things she told me during the talking stage was, “I am not monogamous. It’s not intentional. I just find myself dating multiple partners. Each of them fulfills a different need in my life.” It didn’t matter how she polished it. All I heard was, “I lie, cheat, and play with people’s feelings for my benefit.”

I told her it was wrong for her to string multiple partners along. “If you don’t want to commit to one person, then be single. But if you commit to one person, then you must stick to him no matter what.” She made me realize that she didn’t know any better at the time she was out there playing around. “Now that I have met you, I have changed,” she assured me.

I studied her for a while and didn’t see any signs of promiscuity in her life. She truly was a changed person. As Oscar Wilde said; “The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” If she was changed, then why not give her a…..CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE>>>>>

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