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Relationship Problem

He Is A Good Man But His Thing Doesn’t Work



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It was when I was dating Jonas that I met Kwaku. He knew I was in a relationship so he only stayed in my life to be a friend. He never showed interest in me or did anything to make me uncomfortable. He was just a good friend to me. He has always been.

As time passed, I came to know him very well. Everything I knew made me trust him. I talked to him about everything, even my relationship problems. He always held space for me whenever I needed to vent. If I had good news, he would celebrate with me. If something awful happened, he would give me his shoulder to lean on. I felt safe with him.

It got to a point where my relationship became a bumpy ride. While I tried desperately to make things work, Jonas was indifferent. I loved him so I didn’t want to walk away without fighting for us. While I fought to save what was left of my relationship, Kwaku stood by me, showing me kindness and unwavering support. When I found out I was…CONTINUE.READING .FULL.STORY.HERE…>>>>

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