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Girl Vanishes, 7 Months Later Hiker Tells Cops To Look Closer At Log Pile



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“Dermot loved nothing more than hiking in the outdoors. He loved the smell of the pine trees and the feeling of dirt beneath his walking boots. He’d spend most of his days out in nature. But Dermot was unaware of what he would unearth when he got dressed and started heading out towards the forest on Sunday morning.

Dermot lived in a small town called Riverwood. Everyone was friendly and knew each other in this town, and everyone would help one another if they needed to. But just seven months prior to Dermot’s morning walk, something had happened that clung to the minds of everyone in the small town.


A small girl named Alice had gone missing after visiting a friend on her road. The only thing they found of the 11-year-old was her pink bicycle. Her parents were a wreck. She’d never go anywhere without their permission. The whole town had found out about it and did what they could, but still, there was no sign of her.

A hundred concerned residents from the town decided to help with the search for the girl. Dermot was one of them. With the police accompanying them, they all arrived outside this little girl’s home. They were all prepared for the long night ahead of them. Everyone thought about all the dreadful possibilities of what happened to Alice, but none dared to cherish.


A hundred feet walked over the soil of the fields and over the tarmac of the roads. A hundred voices were all calling out the same name: Alice. Dermot could feel his stomach twisting into a knot, but there was no evidence of what happened to the girl, no sign she was alright, but none to the contrary. So, everyone kept their hopes up.

Jan was a friend of Alice’s parents and said it was stressful and emotional. “We were all out there, just walking back and forth from one end to the other, yelling her name.” As time wore on, people felt more discouraged. The search was now a disorganized party of people stumbling into each other while calling out the little girl’s name.


By the seventh day, there were fewer flashlights compared to the other nights. More people had given up, and the people that stayed found it harder to carry on too. The girl could be anywhere. She could be in the woods, in the fields, or somewhere they would never expect. The search was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Then suddenly, everyone heard the sound of chopping. Police helicopters came to comb the woods with infrared cameras while ground units with dogs also looked for clues. Even with this help, there was still nothing to go on, no sign of the small girl. For days, which turned to weeks, were they too late? Mystery soon shrouded the case.


Dermot was sad to hear about the news of Alice and how the search came up with nothing. He helped where he could, searching at night for the small girl in the woods, but still, there was nothing they could find. It was as if she’d just up and vanished. But Dermot was unaware of just how close he actually was.

As an experienced hiker, Dermot felt he was most useful searching through the tough terrain of the mountains that surrounded their town. He could get into places others couldn’t. But as the helicopters and dogs had no luck locating the little girl, Dermot felt he was throwing sand against the wall and asking it to stick. Still, he felt like he had to do something.


Little did he know, however, that his decision would turn this mysterious case on its head. It was now seven months since Alice’s disappearance. The young 11-year-old girl had still not been found. Some people moved on with their lives, but not Dermot couldn’t let go of the case. Every time he went for a hike, he found himself searching new areas of the wilderness, just hoping to stumble upon a clue. Determined, he grabbed his water bottle and walking gear, and headed out into the mountains once again. Little did he know that this hike would change everything.

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After hiking for nearly an hour, Dermot started to break a sweat. The burn of a workout began to take hold of his muscles, but he pushed through, captivated by the stunning scenery around him. Breathing in the fresh air, he closed his eyes and smiled, relishing the scents of wild grass and oak trees.


Suddenly, his eyes shot open, and his smile vanished. A strange sound reached his ears—a faint cry. Dermot’s heart skipped a beat as he thought of Alice. The sound chilled his blood, and he shouted into the empty space, “Alice!” But there was no response. The cry stopped abruptly, leaving Dermot confused and on edge.

Cautiously, Dermot moved forward, his senses heightened. He tried to locate the source of the cry by studying his breathing, but then it started again, closer this time. Dermot froze in his tracks, his heart racing. He ran forward, and there it was—a random pile of logs. Curiosity overcame him, and he approached the logs, not knowing what to expect.


As he reached the pile, his eyes widened in shock. He wanted to scream for help, but he knew that his voice would likely go unheard in these remote hills. Trembling, he reached for his phone and dialed 9-1-1, desperately hoping it wasn’t too late.

Dermot paced back and forth, his anxiety mounting as he waited for help to arrive. He felt helpless, unsure of what to do next. All he could do was not disturb the potential evidence and listen for any more cries. He was so close, he could feel it.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the police arrived at the scene. They were baffled by Dermot’s frantic call and the sight of the disturbed hiker. One officer approached Dermot with a stern and authoritative tone, demanding an explanation for the situation.

Dermot, with tears streaming down his face, pointed to the pile of logs and urged the officer to look closer. The officer cautiously approached the logs, a sense of dread creeping over him. Upon closer inspection, he realized what Dermot had discovered—an inconspicuous secret cabin hidden among the logs.


The officer’s stomach churned as he pondered the purpose of this secret hideaway. The pile of logs was a facade, concealing something far more sinister. He immediately called for backup, knowing that they had stumbled upon a significant breakthrough in the case.

More police officers arrived swiftly, their eyes filled with curiosity and concern. Together, they entered the secret cabin, bracing themselves for what they might find. What they encountered inside left them horrified—an empty bed, a shelf, and a small toilet. But most shockingly, a young girl emerged from the corner of the room.


The officers yelled in surprise, but as they took a closer look at the disoriented girl, their shock turned to realization. It was Alice, the missing 11-year-old. The room fell silent as the officers processed the magnitude of their discovery. Dermot wept with relief, knowing that his relentless search had finally paid off.

The police swiftly ensured Alice’s safety, providing her with the care and support she desperately needed. The details of her captivity remained a mystery, but Alice revealed that she had been kidnapped and confined to the secret cabin.

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The investigation continued, with the police working tirelessly to uncover the truth behind Alice’s abduction the news of Alice’s discovery spread through the town like wildfire. The community was both relieved and outraged by the revelation. How could such a heinous act happen in their peaceful town? The search for answers intensified as the police delved deeper into the investigation.


Alice was taken to the police station, where she received medical attention and was reunited with her grateful parents. The officers handled her with utmost care, understanding the trauma she had endured during her seven months in captivity. Trained professionals were brought in to provide Alice with counseling and support to help her recover from the ordeal.

As the case gained media attention, the town rallied around Alice and her family. The community came together, offering support, donations, and prayers for Alice’s healing. They vowed to stand strong and united against the evil that had invaded their town.


Meanwhile, the police meticulously combed through evidence and conducted interviews to identify the person responsible for Alice’s abduction. Every lead was followed, and every possible connection was explored. The entire police force was determined to bring the perpetrator to justice.

Dermot, hailed as a hero by the community, continued to assist the investigation in any way he could. He shared his account of the discovery and provided the police with valuable information about his hike and the surrounding area. His dedication and persistence in searching for Alice were recognized by the authorities, who praised him for his unwavering commitment to finding her.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but the investigation showed no signs of slowing down. The police collaborated with federal agencies, brought in forensic experts, and even sought the help of profilers to create a profile of the abductor. They left no stone unturned in their quest for justice.

Eventually, a breakthrough came in the form of a witness who had seen something suspicious on the day of Alice’s abduction. The witness provided a description of a suspicious-looking vehicle near Alice’s friend’s house. With this new lead, the police intensified their efforts to identify the owner of the vehicle and connect them to the crime.


Through meticulous detective work and the use of advanced technology, the police narrowed down their list of suspects. They conducted interviews, analyzed phone records, and collected DNA samples. Finally, they had a solid lead—an individual with a criminal history and a connection to the area where Alice was found.

Armed with this crucial information, the police obtained a warrant for the suspect’s arrest. They moved swiftly, apprehending the individual and bringing them in for questioning. As the evidence stacked up against the suspect, they were charged with the abduction and unlawful confinement of Alice.


The trial that followed was closely watched by the community, seeking justice for Alice and closure for themselves. The prosecution presented a compelling case, outlining the details of Alice’s abduction, her harrowing months in captivity, and the impact it had on her and her family. The defense, however, tried to sow doubt and create alternative narratives.

After a grueling trial, the jury delivered their verdict—guilty. The abductor was held accountable for their heinous crimes, and the community breathed a collective sigh of relief. The courtroom erupted in applause and tears as justice was finally served.


Alice’s story became a symbol of resilience and the strength of a community united against evil. The town came together to heal the wounds caused by the abduction, supporting Alice and her family throughout their recovery process. The incident sparked conversations about safety measures, community vigilance, and the importance of reporting suspicious activities.

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While the scars from Alice’s ordeal would take time to heal, the community stood strong, determined to create a safer environment for everyone. The incident served as a reminder that evil could lurk in unexpected places but that with unity, vigilance, and unwavering determination, justice would prevail.


Dermot, forever changed by his experience, forever changed by his experience, became a staunch advocate for child safety and joined forces with local organizations dedicated to preventing child abduction and raising awareness. He shared his story with schools, community groups, and law enforcement agencies, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and reporting suspicious activities.

His commitment to making a difference inspired others to take action. The town implemented new safety measures, such as neighborhood watch programs, enhanced security in public spaces, and educational initiatives focused on empowering children to protect themselves. The community united in their resolve to ensure the safety and well-being of every child.


Alice, with the support of her family, friends, and the community, embarked on a healing journey. She received ongoing counseling to help her process the trauma she had endured and rebuild her life. The town rallied around her, organizing fundraisers, events, and support networks to ensure she had the resources and support she needed to heal and thrive.

Alice’s resilience and strength became an inspiration to others who had experienced similar traumas. She found solace in connecting with survivors and lending her voice to raise awareness about child abduction and the importance of recovery and support services.


The case of Alice’s abduction had a lasting impact on law enforcement practices as well. The investigation shed light on gaps in procedures and protocols when it came to handling missing children cases. As a result, the police department implemented changes to improve coordination between agencies, enhance communication systems, and prioritize resources dedicated to locating missing children.

The incident also sparked a broader conversation about child protection at a national level. Public figures, lawmakers, and organizations collaborated to propose new legislation aimed at preventing child abduction, strengthening penalties for offenders, and improving support services for victims and their families.


Alice’s story touched the hearts of people far beyond her small town. Media outlets covered her journey of resilience, and her courage became a symbol of hope for others facing adversity. Her story served as a powerful reminder of the importance of community, compassion, and unwavering determination in the face of unimaginable challenges.

Years later, the town continued to commemorate Alice’s bravery and celebrate the progress made in child safety. An annual event, “Alice’s Day of Resilience,” was established to honor her and raise awareness about child abduction prevention. The event brought the community together in a spirit of unity and determination, ensuring that Alice’s story would never be forgotten.


Alice, now a young adult, channeled her experience into a lifelong mission of advocating for the rights and safety of children. She became a prominent spokesperson, sharing her story on national platforms, and collaborating with organizations dedicated to child protection. Her resilience and determination inspired a generation, leaving an indelible mark on the fight against child abduction.

The small town of Riverwood, once haunted by the darkness of Alice’s disappearance, transformed into a beacon of strength, unity, and resilience. Their commitment to creating a safer world for children became a powerful force that rippled far beyond their borders, igniting change and offering hope to communities worldwide. And through it all, Alice’s courage and unwavering spirit served as a guiding light, reminding everyone that even in the face of darkness, hope and resilience can prevail.

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