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My Boyfriend Left Me Because He Found This In The Food I Cooked For Him



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I dated Asare for three years before he started getting sick. Before his sickness, we were talking about marriage. I remember him talking with my dad and asking him how he should go about the knocking rite.

My dad gave him all the process and even told him what he ought to do on the day of the knocking. My father was like a father to him because his own father died when he was just a boy. If there was something bothering his mind and needed fatherly advice, it was my dad he ran to. I loved the bond between them and it gave me the assurance that the future would be great.

A week after the knocking rite, he started complaining of dizziness. We will treat the dizziness and severe stomach ache will appear out of nowhere. For a whole month, we went in and out of various hospitals, but he wasn’t getting well.

We resorted to herbal medicine, and he later got a little better. He was well for weeks until the whole sickness started again. We took him to the herbal center again. He was there for weeks but his situation got worse each passing day. One day his mother called to tell us that..CONTINUE.READING.THE.STORY.HERE……

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