Relationship Problem
I Get Scared Whenever My Husband Is Coming Home

I grew up in a very strict Muslim household. Lessons of chastity were served with our daily meals. “Ruky, don’t let a boy touch you. Keep your body for your husband,” my mother hammered in my head the least chance she got. So I stayed away from boys. I wouldn’t talk to them or look at them.
The few times I took interest in boys, it wasn’t sexual. It was mostly admiration and crushes. Every time someone suggested going all the way with me, I would remember my mother’s lectures and then tell them I was saving myself for marriage.
I held on to my virginity until I met Hassan. I told him, “I haven’t done it yet, and I am not going to do it until I am married.” He smiled and said, “That’s alright. I can wait.” True to his words, he waited. We were in love so the wait was difficult. Sometimes our emotions would try to get in the way but we overcame them until we finally….CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE.……