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He Wants To Marry Me But I Feel Marriage Is A Trap To Get What He Wants



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I’m a singer in church. Godwin is the guy who sits in the front row of the church because God loves those who wait for him in the front row. He looks at me sing every Sunday without saying anything to me. He won’t talk to me but would talk to people who know me about me; “Judy this and Judy that.

I think I like her voice. She makes the choir thick.” One Sunday after church, he got up and came to shake my hand. He said, “You made the difference today just like always. Have you thought of doing music professionally?” I shook my head because music is what I do for fun. He said, “It’s about time the world hears your voice.

God didn’t create such a huge voice for only this small church. If you’re ready, there are people I can make you talk to.” He had my number but I didn’t have his. He gave it to me and said, “Let’s talk. We can make something out of……CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE……..

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