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What is this Jesus with red marker on white background meant to achieve – Media personality Japheth Omjuwa reacts to trend started by gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey



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What is this Jesus with red marker on white background meant to achieve – Media personality Japheth Omjuwa reacts to trend started by gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey

Media personality Japheth Omjuwa has reacted to the “Jesus” trend started by gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey.

The gospel singer had taken to his social media accounts to ask Christians to make “Jesus with red marker on white background” their profile photo. Bassey wrote;

Can we make this our profile picture at 12 noon on all your social media handles? (WAT) in a few minutes Time. And also share as a post on your timeline and as your story. And for the rest of the day ??? And also declare that name into the atmosphere ! JESUS!
Let the world ask what is going on.
And we’ll tell them – JESUS IS GOING ON !


Can we do this?
Tag others !

“9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Phil 2:9-11

Let’s release this fragrance over our land and nation. And the nations of the earth.



Reacting to the trend, Omojuwa asked what it would achieve. He also stated that “religious fanaticism is hardly moderated by exposure or education.”

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The media personality further pointed out that he has seen educated and exposed people do very funny things in the name of religion.

He wrote;

Even if you educate people, religious fanaticism is hardly moderated by exposure or education.


What is this Jesus with red marker on white background meant to achieve exactly? I really would love to know.

I have seen well educated and exposed people refuse their children marriage to the lover on account of religion. At times, even of the same religion but different sect. I have seen educated and exposed people do very funny things in the name of religion.

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