Relationship Problem
My Wife’s Daughter Is The Reason I Want Out Of The Marriage

My wife has a six-year-old daughter I loved so much. She and the child’s father didn’t work out because the child’s father was about to get married when he impregnated my wife. She hated the father with passion and because of that didn’t want to have anything to do with him. My wife’s daughter was part of the reason I fell for my wife. Her care towards the child and the fact that she didn’t allow me to come between them made an impression on me.
When we were dating, she came to my place with the girl often. She told the girl I was her father so she should address me as such. We attended PTA meetings together and decided what we would do for the child once we were married. She wanted to be sure that I was all in on the child before she took a decision on us. I proved beyond measure that I loved the child and would do anything for her.
Two years ago we got married. She sent the child to her mother and came to live with me. I didn’t like the arrangements. I wanted the child with us, to be part of the family and also prevent people from thinking it was my idea to sideline her child. Our marriage was barely four months old when…CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE….>>>>>>