Relationship Problem
I Visited My Dying Boyfriend At The Hospital Only To Meet The Shock Of My Life

They were three guys when I met them. Martin, Joe and Laka. It was Martin who called and talked to me. They were new in town and were looking for friends. I agreed to be friends with them. All of them became my friends and since they were living in the same house, I went there on weekends to help them.

They were kind to me. They bought gifts for me when they returned from their travels. They gave me money when I needed it and even extended that help to my parents.
Martin was the one who called me so whenever I went to their house, he was the one who took me in and invited the others to come around. Even before Martin would propose, these two friends started calling me our wife. “Our wife, are you going to sleep here today?” “Our wife, what are you cooking for us?” “Our wife…” until…CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE….>>>>>