I Thought I Married a Broke Man… Until I Discovered the Truth And I Was Left In Shock

Before he asked me to marry him he told me everything about his financial situation. He said, “My dear, I’m a broke man. I don’t have money or anything to offer you except my love.” I told him, “I earn my own money so I am not looking to be with a man because of money.” He reiterated, “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I have absolutely no money.” At first, I thought he was just being modest.

However, when we spoke deeply about his situation, I realized that he was not joking. He was at the lowest point of his wife. He was a university graduate without a job living on a monthly allowance of GHC400 that his church paid him for being their instrumentalist. Although his situation was disheartening, it didn’t push me away.
If anything, it made him like him more for being honest and open about his struggles.When the Covid-19 pandemic started, churches were closed down so he no longer received his monthly allowance from church. If things were hard before, they were…….CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE…..>>>>>>>>>>