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Do You Remember The Child Whose Image Went Viral All Over The World? Here’s How His Life Turned Out



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In 2016, an image went viral around the world. The heartbreaking photo showed a volunteer giving food and water to a naked, emaciated child, who was abandoned and believed to be a “child witch.” Many have already seen these pictures, which shocked the whole world. But not everyone knows what happened to this little boy 7 years later.

Even though it’s a criminal offense in Akwa Ibom state, where the little boy was found, to label a child as a witch, the practice still persists in some communities. Belief in witchcraft affects people worldwide.

Children accused of being witches are often ostracized and abandoned by their families and communities; they also get murdered in some cases. Without any support, these children are…CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE…>>>>

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