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They Thought They Were Alone, But The Deputy Didn’t Know A Secret Camera Was Filming Everything



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In the state of Colorado, El Paso County is home to approximately 500,000 people. The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, responsible for the safety of the area, boasts a team of dedicated officers. One such officer was Deputy Tony, who, after 29 years of service, was about to embark on his well-deserved retirement.

Throughout his career, Deputy Tony served in various units, including the Traffic Unit and the transport in court departments. His colleagues held him in high regard, recognizing his professionalism and exceptional knowledge. As a tribute to his contributions, the department’s Facebook page highlighted his esteemed reputation.

Around the time of Deputy Tony’s retirement, the elevators in the sheriff’s office were malfunctioning. Technicians installed a surveillance camera in one of them to investigate the issue. Little did they know, this camera captured an unexpected and delightful moment.


As the footage revealed, Deputy Tony entered the elevator, seemingly unaware of the camera. The atmosphere shifted when, unexpectedly, the 2015 hit song “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” started playing. Deputy Tony, without hesitation, began showcasing extraordinary dance moves, perfectly syncing with the song.

The unexpected dance party took an even more surprising turn when another officer, Deputy Reid, entered the elevator. Initially hesitant, she couldn’t resist joining in, and the duo danced together with infectious enthusiasm. The dancing continued as a third officer joined the fun, creating a synchronized performance.

However, the dancing came to a pause when Chief Deputy Evans entered the elevator. The officers stood still, showing respect for his senior rank. Yet, as soon as he left, the dancing resumed. Even Sheriff Bill Elder joined in when he entered, turning the elevator into a lively dance floor.

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The entire two-and-a-half-minute clip captured this spontaneous and joyful moment. To everyone’s surprise, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office posted the clip on Facebook, where it quickly went viral. The video garnered praise for portraying a more human side of law enforcement, with viewers commending the officers for finding joy in their demanding jobs.

Jacqueline Kirby, Media Relations Manager for the Sheriff’s Office, explained that the video was intended to celebrate Deputy Tony’s retirement and show that officers, despite their challenging duties, can have fun. The overwhelming response to the video demonstrated a positive public perception of law enforcement officers.


Deputy Tony retired after his famous elevator dance, leaving behind a legacy of humor and camaraderie. His big personality will undoubtedly be missed at the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, but the video remains a testament to the human side of those who dedicate their lives to serving and protecting.

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