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Teenage Girl Single-Handedly Beats Down Three Girls During Public Fight (Video)



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A young girl has gone viral on social media after she was captured engaging in a brawl with different girls in public.

There seems to have been a provocation when some girls decided to confront her but she faced them all one by one.

One of the girls poured drink on the visibly angry one and it escalated from there

She started with the girl who is believed to have been the lead instigator and just as she brought her to the ground, another girl tried to intervene but she also got dragged into the fight.


When many thought it would not get any worse, a third girl attempted to make her leave the one she was beating and that was how the fierce girl gave her a beating as well.

Watch video below:

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Mary Rice

    June 2, 2022 at 8:21 pm

    Don’t mess with someone who woops ass and then some. Good for you .

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