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Nurse Finds Baby On Hospital Steps. 40 Years Later, Mom’s Secret Affair Comes Back To Haunt Her



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Nurse Finds Baby On Hospital Steps. 40 Years Later, Mom’s Secret Affair Comes Back To Haunt Her

In 1972, “Baby Jane” made front-page news when nurses found her abandoned and crying on the steps of a hospital, wrapped in blankets..

Despite attempts made by investigators, the identity of the birth parents remained a complete mystery for decades. Luckily, the baby — who was renamed Jen — was adopted into a wonderful family.

Jen grew up to be a teacher for students with special needs. Her life has been full of love and happiness, but she still couldn’t shake the desire to learn about from where she came.

One day, Jen connected with a woman on social media who suggested she test her DNA. When the results finally came back, Jen was suddenly connected with hundreds of cousins. One cousin in particular compiled a family tree.


Jen reached out to any and all relatives willing to go through DNA testing.

One man turned out to be Jen’s uncle who has seven brothers, which led her to her birth father.

Then, after 40 years, Jen found herself on the phone with her biological mother. But watch the video below to see why she decided to keep her mother’s identity a secret…

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