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Relationship Problem

My Husband Is Having An Affair With Our Best Friend’s Wife



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I met my Richmond through Sammy. We both attended Sammy’s wedding but that was not where we met.

We met at their fifth anniversary when we were both placed at the same table. When Sammy saw us, he joked, “Why are you two not married? You look good together.” Richmond responded, “Flesh and blood didn’t reveal this to you.”

We all laughed. It was all jokes until Richmond asked for my number. I gave it to him. He told me, “I’m going to worry you with calls, I hope you don’t mind?” I answered, “When it gets too much, maybe I’ll block you so I have my peace.

That was also another joke. Each time when Richmond called he asked me, “Am I worrying you? Let me know before you block me.” We started a relationship at the blind spot of Sammy. By the time we decided to tell him about our relationship, we had had our first…CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE….>>>>>

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