Doctor Told Dad to Buy a Dog For His Paralyzed Son. No One Expected What Happened Next

“Animal Therapy Can Be Incredible: Doctors Told This Dad to Buy a Dog for His Paralyzed Son. No One Expected What Would Happen Next. Come With Us to See What Happened.
Tim and Robin always imagined their home full of kids and animals. They bought a home where they could have a few children. To them, it sounded like the ideal life, and they couldn’t wait to get started with it. They wanted their children first and then to get animals that would grow up with their children, and the kids could really enjoy them. But life has a funny way of changing all the plans that you’ve made.
They had it all planned out. They would get married, and after a year or two, they would start trying for a baby. They would space them out and have three children, each with an age gap of around two years. It was a great plan if it wasn’t for the fact that babies and life don’t always work on our timeline. They waited for a year after they got married, and then they started trying to have a baby. But that was when things started to go wrong.
After more than a year of trying, they realized that it wasn’t going to happen naturally. They had to try a bunch of different fertility options, and most of them didn’t work. It took a few years and a lot of money, but eventually, it all paid off, and they got pregnant. They were incredibly excited when their first little girl was born. It wasn’t only Tim and Robin who were overjoyed by the arrival of their baby, but their families shared this joy too. It was a massive blessing for everyone.
When their daughter was around a year old, they started the process all over again, but this time they got pregnant much quicker in the fertility process. Sadly, they lost the baby soon after. Experiencing pregnancy loss was devastating, but they desperately wanted to give their child a sibling. They had to take the plunge and try again. They got pregnant quickly, and everything went smoothly. It was only toward the end of the pregnancy that things started to go wrong.
Robin experienced some cramping and contractions and ended up on bed rest. They tried to get her as far into the pregnancy as normal, but eventually, the baby was born way too early. It was another little girl, and she spent some time in the NICU. Luckily for them, she was a little fighter, and before too long, she was on her way home. She was a healthy and happy little girl.
Tim and Robin decided that they were done growing their family at that point. They had always hoped that they would have a large family, but they already felt blessed. There was a stage that they didn’t think they would ever be able to have children, so the fact that they had two little girls running around in their backyard was already incredible.
The long journey to build their family had tired them out. So much had happened in such a short time. They didn’t have the energy for the next steps of their plans. They knew that getting dogs or other pets could be just as hard work as having a new baby. Tim and Robin didn’t have the energy to get their kids any animals, at least not yet. They just wanted to take some time and enjoy the moments. There were many special moments to enjoy with two young kids.
But after around a year, something happened that they could never see coming. Suddenly, Robin wasn’t feeling very well, and she was really tired. At first, they thought that it might have been stress catching up with her, but even after they took a nice relaxing holiday, she didn’t feel better. Tim urged her to go to the doctor, and together they went to get it checked out. They were shocked when they got the news that, without any help or intervention, they were pregnant. Robin was going to have a baby, and this time they got pregnant completely naturally. Their minds were blown, but they were seriously excited.
The doctors did warn that Robin was at greater risk for complications during this pregnancy, but they were willing to risk it. They never expected this surprise, but they were going to grab onto it with both hands. Robin had to be extra careful, but she was happy to do everything that the doctors told her to. At the same time, you can only do so much, and very quickly into the pregnancy, Robin started experiencing issues. She had contractions and almost lost the baby in the first trimester, but the doctors could stop it. She struggled with feeling ill throughout the pregnancy.
The baby seemed to be doing well on sonograms, and that was the most important part. But they were also very excited to learn that they were going to have a little boy this time, just as they did with their second baby. However, their joy was accompanied by anxiety due to the difficulties they had faced in their previous pregnancies.
Just as they feared, Robin went into labor way too early. Her labor took a long time, and eventually, they had to take her into an emergency C-section. Their baby was injured in the process and was partially paralyzed, unable to use the left side of his body. It was really sad, but the doctors explained that he might get slightly better with the help of physical therapy when he was a little bit older.
They named him Clark and gave him all the support they could. Despite his limitations, Clark was a happy baby, and his sisters adored him. But as he got older, he faced more challenges. His restrictions didn’t matter as much when he was a tiny baby, but as he grew older, he wanted to follow his sisters while they played.
This obviously wasn’t possible. They took him to many doctors, but none of them could give them any answers. There was no medicine or operation that they could prescribe to help the little boy heal. It seemed like his parents were just going to have to make peace with the fact that he was going to have challenges. But at least they could find different ways to help him cope.
One neurologist that they visited with Clark suggested that kids do really well with animal therapy. He gave them a list of places they could visit to interact with dogs or horses. But he also said that it might be better to just get Clark his own dog. He recommended a Chow Chow or a Labrador. They didn’t really believe that getting a pet would be able to help Clark, but it did get them thinking.
The challenges they had faced with their children had changed their plans so much, but they still wanted the kids to grow up with animals. They decided to start searching for a dog for all of the children. They liked the idea of getting a Labrador because they knew those dogs were awesome with children. They searched local shelters, and one of them told Tim that they had the perfect pup for the family.
Lucy was great with kids, and the two girls took to having a dog very quickly. But the dog seemed to sense that baby Clark needed her companionship. The two of them quickly built a really special bond. Lucy the dog was amazingly gentle with the baby. She also understood that she needed to come closer to the baby because it wasn’t as easy for him to come to her. The baby would giggle when the dog came near and put his hand out to touch her.
But no one expected what happened next. One day, as Lucy came closer to Clark, he laughed as usual, but suddenly both his little arms came up to try to touch the dog. This was the first time he used his left arm. Slowly, the dog helped Clark get better and move more. He got up on both legs by holding on to Lucy, and he even walked for the first time because he could balance against the dog. Tim and Robin couldn’t believe it.
They had worried that their little boy was always going to face challenges because of his traumatic birth, but with the help of a very special dog, he was getting better every day. By the time the boy was around four years old, he was completely recovered. He could run with Lucy and his sisters, and Tim and Robin finally had the family they had always dreamed of. It had happened much differently than they expected, but it was all completely worth it in the end.
The journey was difficult, but they all got through it, and now they had three beautiful and healthy children, plus an incredible dog added to their family. Their story was a testament to the power of love, determination, and the unexpected ways in which animals can touch our lives.
But no one expected what happened next. One day, as Lucy came closer to Clark, he laughed as usual, but suddenly both his little arms came up to try to touch the dog. This was the first time he used his left arm. Slowly, the dog helped Clark get better and move more. He got up on both legs by holding on to Lucy, and he even walked for the first time because he could balance against the dog. Tim and Robin couldn’t believe it.
They had worried that their little boy was always going to face challenges because of his traumatic birth, but with the help of a very special dog, he was getting better every day. By the time the boy was around four years old, he was completely recovered. He could run with Lucy and his sisters, and Tim and Robin finally had the family they had always dreamed of. It had happened much differently than they expected, but it was all completely worth it in the end.
The journey was difficult, but they all got through it, and now they had three beautiful and healthy children, plus an incredible dog added to their family. Their story was a testament to the power of love, determination, and the unexpected ways in which animals can touch our lives.
But no one expected what happened next. One day, as Lucy came closer to Clark, he laughed as usual, but suddenly both his little arms came up to try to touch the dog. This was the first time he used his left arm. Slowly, the dog helped Clark get better and move more. He got up on both legs by holding on to Lucy, and he even walked for the first time because he could balance against the dog. Tim and Robin couldn’t believe it.
They had worried that their little boy was always going to face challenges because of his traumatic birth, but with the help of a very special dog, he was getting better every day. By the time the boy was around four years old, he was completely recovered. He could run with Lucy and his sisters, and Tim and Robin finally had the family they had always dreamed of. It had happened much differently than they expected, but it was all completely worth it in the end.
The journey was difficult, but they all got through it, and now they had three beautiful and healthy children, plus an incredible dog added to their family. Their story was a testament to the power of love, determination, and the unexpected ways in which animals can touch our lives.