Black Woman Sue School After Teacher Called Her Son “N-word” Saying It’s Not Racist To Say The N-word

The mother says the teacher called her son the ‘N-word’ and then told another student, who witnessed the incident, that the ‘n’ word is not racist. The mother’s attorney said that they want the dean and principal fired for not taking accountability for the acts of racism against students at the school. The lawyer also said that she is not sure if the teacher who made the racial slur has been removed from the school, but they are demanding confirmation from the school that the teacher is terminated.
The student’s mother, Aylise Beechem, told First Coast News that she plans to sue DCPS after a teacher allegedly called her son the ‘N-word.’ The boy, who was not identified due to his age, is a student at the Mandarin Middle School in Florida.
Unfortunately, just few weeks after announcing plans to sue the school, Beechem said her son was physically attacked by another student in the school’s hallways, resulting in a broken hand. And, according to the mother’s attorney, instead of punishing, or expelling or sending the other student to a different school, the school officials are reportedly trying to send Beecham’s son out of the school and to another school instead of addressing the acts of racism and violence that are being perpetrated against students at the school.
Beecham reportedly told First Coast News: “I send him to school and he’s in the care like I said eight hours out of the day. More than he’s in my care so I feel like I trust you with my child. At this day and age you shouldn’t have to walk around or be mindful of a different race that is around you. We are all equal.”
Another parent, Kristen Woodall, told News 4 Jax that her daughter witnessed the incident with Beechem’s son. She said her daughter was in the classroom when Beechem’s son was allegedly called the “N-word” by a teacher, who was not identified.
The school reportedly offered to move the girl to another class, instead of removing the teacher. Woodall’s daughter also asked the teacher who made the racial slur if calling a black person the ‘N-word is racist. The teacher reportedly replied that the ‘N-word’ is not racist, First Coast News reports.
According to attorney Jasmaine Rand, who reportedly represents Woodall, Beechem and another parent, they want the dean and principal fired for not taking accountability for the acts of racism against students at the school. Rand also said that they don’t know if the teacher who made a racial slur has been removed from the school. They are demanding confirmation from the school that the teacher is terminated.
The third parent said her daughter was called racial slurs in front of a teacher and later slapped by a white male student in the hallway.
Jasmaine Rand told News 4 Jax: “I shouldn’t have to hold a press conference to have a racist teacher who is verbally abusing students removed from a classroom. That should be something the school administration does because it’s their job to do so. By leaving those bullies, by leaving those children in there who are perpetuating acts of racism and violence against other students, they are leaving the other African American students in danger.”