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10-Year-Old Boy Thinks His Parents Are Asleep, Sneaks into His Little Brother’s Room at 3 Am



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10-Year-Old Boy Thinks His Parents Are Asleep, Sneaks into His Little Brother’s Room at 3 Am

A 10-year-old boy named Mason McIntosh snuck into his little brother’s room at an odd hour without parental supervision. With his actions, he proved that even kids can understand compassion.

Gloria McIntosh shares six children with her husband. Yet, despite the large family, the Ohio mom is conscious of the values she instills in her kids.

A fundamental principle she chatters about often is being responsible even without supervision. Gloria wanted her kids to know that a person’s true character is what they do when no one is watching.



Like most parents with toddlers, the McIntoshs had a baby monitor in their youngest son’s room. So that was how they saw their 10-year-old son comforting the child.

A few days after Christmas in 2020, Mason thought his parents were asleep when he snuck into baby Greyson’s room at around 3 a.m. The 18-month-old child was fully awake, standing in his baby cot as his brother entered.

The big brother, who heard him crying, took him out of bed and tried to soothe the toddler. Mason read to his brother, played with toys, and even cleaned his nose.


After about thirty minutes, Mason decided to tuck the toddler back in. At first, Greyson tried to run away while making subtle audible sounds.

Still, it did not deter the 10-year-old in his quest to make him sleep. Mason grabbed him back to the baby cot, and surprisingly, he entered it too, all to get Greyson to sleep.

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During the entire episode, Gloria stayed back in her room, watching the boys. Then, when it turned out that Greyson would not comply, she went in to attend to him while relieving Mason.

The mother of six then asked Mason why he had not alerted her. The young man explained that he knew she had had a long day. In her words:


“I asked him, ‘Why didn’t you just come and get me in the first place?’ He was just like, ‘You had a big day, and I just wanted you to get some rest.’”

Gloria later confessed that she was moved by the clip. While speaking to TODAY Parents, she explained that the boys are inseparable as Mason is fond of his younger brother. She said:
“I was smiling the whole time. He has a love for Greyson that is unspeakable. I can’t even really explain it.”

Netizen’s comment on the viral Tiktok video | Source:

Gloria shared a photo of the boys enjoying each other’s company. She mentioned that the viral clip only highlighted her older son’s character. According to her:
“I’m sure Mason was tired and cranky. He was woken up at 3 a.m. But how you saw him treat his brother is how he is. He steps up.”



Once Gloria shared the video, it went viral and hit about 5.6 million likes and thousands of comments. Many were in awe of the genuine love between the siblings. One person wrote:

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Another added, “I cried too much watching this omg.” Mason’s adorable gestures prove that kids do not only understand compassion but also appreciate sacrifices from parents and can step up to help in the home.

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