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How Homeless Man Ended Up In Police Station After Telling a Cop He Will Do Anything For Hot Shower (Video)



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This morning, like most other mornings, I got out of my warm bed in my small, but comfortable, house and started my morning routine. I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth (with an electric toothbrush no less), and put on clean clothes before I started my day.

Not once during that entire process did I think about what I would do if I didn’t have a comfy bed, shower with hot water, and my choice of clean clothes. I didn’t think about all of the people that go without those simple “necessities” on a daily basis, and how lucky I am to have them. This story stopped me in my tracks and made me think.

Bobby is a homeless man in Rome, NY and had an encounter with police officer Aaron Page. Page took the time to chat with Bobby and after a long conversation, Bobby shared what he would really like: A hot shower and a haircut, two things that many of us take for granted on a daily basis. With the help of a couple of colleagues, Page was absolutely willing to make that happen

Page invited Bobby to come to the police station the next morning. Also there to help that day were Sgt. Frank Fragapane, George Gebo, and Jeff Buckley. After a warm shower, they gave Bobby some new, clean clothes—jeans, a button up shirt, and new tennis shoes. Next, it was time for a hair makeover. Bobby’s beard and hair were thick and matted, but the officers cleaned him up in no time, giving Bobby a brand new look.

Before leaving the station, the cops had another gift for Bobby: A bag full of donated clothes. “Bobby left looking like a whole new person and couldn’t thank us enough,” the department wrote.

Watch Bobby’s story below and please like and share it if you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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