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CCTV Capture The Moment School officials Were Dragging Autistic Child Several Hundred Feet – then tried to delete evidence: police



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News Channel 5 in Nashville obtained a school security system video showing the principal and a teacher dragging a special needs child down a hallway by his feet.

“The Rutherford County Director of Schools called the incident unprofessional conduct, and the Rutherford County School Board dismissed Walter Hill Elementary principal Helen Campbell,” the station reported.

As Campbell dragged the student by one leg, his other leg was held by special education teacher Bonnie Marlar.

“Sheriff’s detectives said another video clip showed Campbell going into the server room to erase the video after the fact,” the station reported. “But authorities recovered the video and Campbell and Marlar were both suspended.”


Marlar was dismissed and last week the school board voted 4-2 to fire Campbell.

“The optics of a child being dragged are not good,” the station noted. “Investigators said there had to be better options than dragging a child through the hallways. The child was dragged several hundred feet through the school to a classroom and suffered minor injuries.”

The child’s parents have filed a lawsuit.

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