Becky was a housekeeper for 10 years, cleaning the house of a rich man named Gregory. She did her job well in order to feed her...
“Aiden shivered in the cold, clutching a lily bouquet in his tiny hand in front of his mother’s grave. ‘I miss you, Mom,’ the boy sobbed...
“Dermot loved nothing more than hiking in the outdoors. He loved the smell of the pine trees and the feeling of dirt beneath his walking boots....
“In lots of countries, stray dogs are a common occurrence, but it was one dog in particular that fascinated people by his actions. In Turkey, a...
“A teenager walked into a hospital scared, confused, and unsure that she was making the right choice. Her mother, a nurse, had pushed her to have...
Evelyn, a widowed mom, begins to suspect something is wrong when her five-year-old son has difficulty adjusting to daycare. Her suspicions are confirmed when she arrives...
“A teacher learns her pupil is skipping school and decides to pay him a surprise visit. Little does she know, she’s about to discover a heartbreaking...
The girl didn’t want to leave school with her dad, so the teacher called the police after following them. Miss Evans, a junior school teacher, became...
When every sliver of hope turns into darkness and despair, an orphaned little girl turns to her late mother for help. She writes letters and posts...
When preparing to welcome a new arrival into the family, expecting parents will take all sorts of steps to ready themselves and their home. They’ll read...