“An elderly widow travels to another town to fulfill her late husband’s final desire, but things take an unexpected turn when she meets a trio of...
“76-year-old elderly man was kicked out of an expensive restaurant. Then they knew who he was. Once upon a time, in a busy city, there lived...
John and Candy Davis were an extraordinary couple. What started out as a missionary trip ended up changing the lives of hundreds of children, particularly three...
When a woman had her 17th child, the situation became too much for her husband to bear, and he abandoned her. Twenty years later, he got...
An elderly woman, breathing heavily, stopped near her home gate. Mrs. Benson could not stand it, and from the bus stop, she almost ran to her...
A chicken sandwich, cheese, caviar sandwiches, coffee, and champagne. “Would you like anything?” Debbie walked around the first-class cabin of the huge airplane where she worked...
A ten-year-old boy named Kevin used public transportation often, and he had a very good reason for it. The fact was that living in the suburbs,...
Nancy had never felt as uncomfortable as she did during the job interview. It was mainly because she didn’t have the required experience, but she was...
Frank Jerome was a priest in charge of Saint Thomas Parish. He tried his best to lead his flock and make sure everything was done the...
Rebecca sat in the kitchen stirring sugar into her cup, contemplating the end of her marriage as she tapped her teaspoon. She had spent 24 years...