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Her Mother Said She Was a Mistake But Jesus Showed Actress from Back to the Future the Truth



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Many may remember Claudia Wells as the actress from Back To The Future. But behind her success lay a world of hurt.

Claudia Wells loved acting. She felt like she was able to reach deep within and express parts of herself on camera because when the cameras were off, her alcoholic mother would tell her she was nothing. “My fun and joy was when the camera was on and I got to be a person,” she said.

When the actress from Back To The Future talked about her teen years with her mother, she recalled that honestly thought it was a normal thing to hear the phrase, “I regret the day you were born,” which her mother made sure Claudia heard often. As if that wasn’t enough of a challenge to navigate as a teenage girl, Claudia also had to deal with her mother calling her fat.

Dark Times For Claudia Wells
At fourteen Claudia Wells couldn’t take the emotional abuse from her mother anymore. She wanted to end it all because she truly felt like she did not deserve to find joy or happiness or even breathe. Claudia overdosed on her mother’s prescription pills, but thankfully, they didn’t take her life


For the next few years, everything in her life remained the same. But then, she landed a role in a show, Herbie The Love Bug with Dean Jones. It was then her life would begin to take root in someone greater than herself. Dean shared the Gospel with Claudia and learned what God’s saving grace truly meant.

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“It made all the difference in the world. He talked to me about the hole that was inside of me and if I don’t fill it with God, if I don’t fill it with Jesus Christ then it’ll be filled with men, and drugs, and problems.” Then one day at lunch with Dean, she said the sinner’s prayer and became saved.

Back To The Future Actress Saved By Jesus
As her career as an actress raced towards fame with Back To The Future, her heart raced towards God when she found out her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Claudia Wells left showbiz because she knew in her heart it was the right thing to do.

Eventually, cancer would claim her mother’s life while the Holy Spirit went to work claiming Claudia’s heart to change how she saw herself. Through her walk with Jesus, He began to heal her heart and teach her that she was not a mistake.


Today, the Back To The Future actress runs a clothing store and still makes small appearances on shows. But the best part of her life is how Christ healed her brokenness and restored her life from the inside out. She is looking forward to the next chapter as she knows God is writing for her and she can’t wait to see the future.

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